Sunday, June 19, 2011

Missile to Missile Missile

Comic books have a longstanding tradition of super heroes hanging off of missiles, but this is the greatest two-page spread ever drawn. This comes from issue twelve of Doc Savage from DC comics. It depicts the titular character of Doc Savage kicking his way out of one missile and leaping on to a second missile, heading in the opposite direction. This is after he was declared dead at the beginning of the issue.
When Captain America tried something like this, it killed his sidekick and he ended up being frozen in the ocean for about four decades. Thus Doc Savage > Captain America.

Doc Savage is a little known, but he’s technically the first comic book super hero, predating Superman. He’s basically Indiana Jones if Indiana Jones punched more people in the face. He’s like four Harrison Fords in one. That means if you had Indiana Jones, Han Solo and President James Marshall, you’d still have to get the fugitive from Fugitive.
This is the most comic book-like thing I’ve read in a comic book, ever, and it deserves a monument.

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