Sunday, June 22, 2014


If you've read my blog in the past, you know I've talked a lot about Skyrim. Specifically, the glitches and fuck ups. Previously, I was playing solely on the 360, and was limited to that experience, but now I've expanded to my computer. In fact, I was able to transfer my save data to my computer and erase those bugs with new ones!
Using a transfer cable and the removable storage for my old, white 360, I was able to take those files over to my computer via USB and a program called, "Horizon," which frankly sucks. I was able to use the program properly the first time off the bat, but I didn't have the proper save file on that storage system. I had to transfer it from the cloud onto my black Elite 360 using the internal system, then transfer that into the removable storage system using the transfer cable. When I tried to transfer that back into my computer, none of the files would show. The only clue I had was that I had to run the program as and administrator, but I've never had to do that with a program before. I finally learnt how from a web tutorial, but that was only after viewing several others to figure out what step I was missing. Things went pretty smoothly from there. I had to extract the files using Horizon, and then saved them under my files saves for Skyrim on my computer. After that, I had to rename is with a ".ess" filename. When I booted up the game, the picture for the save data file was nothing but corrupted static, but it loaded perfectly.
From there, I could fix what I wanted, with a little tinkering. I wanted to resurrect my dead wife, Temba Wide-Arm, whom I killed in werewolf form because she frankly annoyed me and there's no such thing as divorce in Skyrim. I had to enter the appropriate command code. Surprisingly, when I set my command to move to her (moving her to me wasn't working), I found she was still located inside my house in Breezehome. Even though she wasn't physically there, she was still located right in front of the fire. There was nothing to click on to actually resurrect her, so I had to use a method where I locked in her name to the command, then entered "recycleactor" instead of the old, "resurrect" command. POOF! She's alive!
Only, we were no longer married. She acknowledged that I'd completed quests for her, but she didn't acknowledge me as her husband. So apparently there is a way to get divorced in Skyrim.
From there, I decided to use the same method to bring other dead NPCs back. I travelled to one of my homes where I had a dead thrall lying in the basement. I had previously used necromancy on the NPC, whom was killed in battle by the enemy, and kept them as my thrall, leaving them in my home for safe keeping afterwards. If you think that's creepy, it's better than leaving their dead bodies in the streets.
From there, I remembered an old Easter Egg I'd heard about called Wideadbodycleanupcell, which is literally a dead body clean up cell. It's accessible only by typing in "COC WIdeadbodycleanupcell," and it takes you to an unfinished-looking purple and green crypt made up of two joining halls that lead into oblivion. Jumping out through the unfinished halls into the blackness will only take you back to the room, and you have to type "COC" location to get back out. All the dead bodies that disappeared off the world map end up there, for some reason. They're naked and piled ontop of each other, with some missing heads. Their limp bodies materialize in the air and collapse when you first enter, so it looks like you walked into the world's worst orgy. One NPC was still on his feet, but didn't really articulate well.. He simply acknowledge me with a, "What do you need?" I couldn't recall who he was, but perhaps he was an old Companion.
My first attempt at mass resurection for the game backfired when I clicked on myself and typed, "recycleactor." That removed and eliminated some, but not all of my armour and weapons, and changed my helmet for some reason. I was now wearing a Dragonplate helmet, but no shirt or pants. I kept on going regardless.
The second person I resurrected was an old man, who proceeded to try to fight me. After 200+ hours of having played, I couldn't recall what I'd done to him, but obviously he was pissed off. I fought him bare-handed and drove him back to the door to the abyss before finishing him off with a cinematic.
From there, I resurrect a woman, who proceeded to walk at a bizarre angle out of the room. Before she left, I talked to her and she made some crack about being naked. That's when I decided it'd be a good idea to reload my save to get my armour back.
This second time around, I resurrected everyone in the first-person view so as not to target myself. I went through the pile of bodies typing, "resurrect," but some came back with errors complaining they weren't bleeding out, so I used, "recylceactor" on those. I did it all in one go, and when I finished, to no surprise, they all came back to life in full apparel wanting to kill each other and me as well. I booked it out of there. Hopefully they'll return to their homes on their own so I don't have to move them.
From there, I used a command to reset my marriage quest, since I was now an elligble bachelor. Strangely, I ran into Temba on the way back to Breezehome, and she was interested in marrying me again. Some people never learn. I almost went for it, but I think this time I'll play the market.

Monday, June 9, 2014

We Have to Move These Microwave Ovens

For some reason I've never cared to delve into, my wife always leaves the microwave door wide open, so the little bulb inside has burnt out. I'm not about to replace it, because why the fuck would I ever need to see inside the microwave? It's a small box. The food you put in there looks the same as the food you take out with the exception of popcorn.You're not fucking soufles bread in there. You're cooking pizza pockets. Besides, the door has that weird fucking screen on it to protect you from deadly microwaves. The only reason you'd ever need a light inside there is to see if your dinner blew the fuck up, and if it did, why would you need to see that, aside from the fact that it looks awesome? Are you magically going to go back in time and stop it from happening? It's already blown up. Let it go, America. If your food catches fire, you'll be alerted by the fact there is now black smoke coming out of your microwave when there was no black smoke before.You can write this observation down in your science journal as you work towards your degree, then get an extinguisher.
If you have a microwave with a spinning tray, you can watch as your plate of food rotates and perch your fingers together and say, "Good. Good. I can see it's spinning. I am well pleased."Otherwise, the most interesting thing to watch is the purple lightning you get when you fuck up and put something metal inside.
I think the only reason there's a window in there at all is because we're all fucking paranoid. We're afraid that some shit is going to go down if we can't see. You'll put in your pizza pocket, and when you open the door again it's asparagus. It'd break you.
What if you cooked something, and when you went back it was gone? You'd accuse your whole family, but they'd deny everything. You'd become angry and sullen towards them as you try to decipher who did it, but in time you'd have your doubts. You begin to wonder if you even put something in there at all, or if you did perhaps it was completely disintegrated. These thoughts would linger with you the rest of your life, gnawing away at you in the dark hours.
Or perhaps you put in a bowl of soup to be reheated, but when you close the door you hear scratching. Concerned, you open the door and see nothing but your soup. When you close the door again, the same sound persists, and now you hear a slight mewing like a kitten. Alarmed, you immediately open the door, but still there's only the soup. ARE YOU GOING MAD? You can hear it all the time now, whenever you're in your kitchen. You can't tell anyone because you're afraid of what they'll say. One day, you wake up in the middle of the night to make a snack, and you hear it again. You ignore it, but the sound grows louder and louder until it fills up your head. Then there's a whispering coming from inside. You tell yourself it's nothing, but you have to make sure. You open the door and it's your own head in there staring back at you! ALL BECAUSE THERE WASN'T A WINDOW IN THE MICROWAVE.

Tracy Morganed!

The tragedy surrounding the Tracy Morgan vehicle accident helps highlight something about celebrity. Tacy Morgan is a household name, but in terms of celebrity he's never starred in his own movie, or even had a lead role in a hit show. He's always been a supporting actor and comedian who was last in the news after making anti-gay comments and collapsing at a show. That's not saying anything against him, that's just how it is.
A man died and two others were critically injured in the same accident that Tracy looks as if he'll recover from. The only reason this is news as opposed to the countless other accidents that happen every day is because the one celebrity is involved. Imagine that, though, if you're the man who died. You've lived your whole life trying to build something for yourself, and in the end all you'll ever be remember for is the guy who died in the accident with Tracy Morgan. People will be talking about you, and someone will use your name, and the other person will say, "Who?" and then the first person will have to explain, "That guy who died in that accident with Tracy Morgan who died." Then they'll go on to talk about Tracy Morgan, because that's how fame works. It's terrifying, really. In a way, all you are to people is an image. That image can be overshadowed by anyone, but the bigger the shadow, the less you are. On the other hand, hundreds of thousands of people, if not millions learnt about this one man through the news story. They never had any idea he ever existed until the moment he was taken away, and the loss is made larger.

Friday, June 6, 2014

The Biggest Problem with the New X-Men Movie

Everyone is nit-picking the little details in the new X-men movie because of all the time-travel and cross-movie franchise going ons. No one has pointed out the biggest thing about Quicksilve. When Quicksilver (although he's never called that in the movie because of liscencing bullshit) has his big bullet-time scene, he stops to put on his headphone and listen to Pink Floyd on his walkman because he has shity taste and it's the 70's. Only, he's going so fast that it'd be impossible for him to hear even a single note by the time he's done, even if he has the tape going fast-forward.
Also, fucking walkmans hadn't been invented yet. The scene takes place in 1975, and the walkman is first released in 1979.