Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Recently -meaning last night- we had an election in BC. In the build-up to the election I was reading up on the candidates and better informed myself. Then I learnt that the particular riding I had been following wasn’t even my own. That riding is two blocks from my house. I can walk out the door, walk a couple of blocks and be in a different riding. In fact, there’s three ridings in my town’s region.  I was getting a little confused, because I’d noticed that one side of the street had a different candidate for the same party than the other. Living about about ten to twenty minutes from the US/Canada border my whole life, I’ve always thought borders themselves to be a little ridiculous. The very idea that you physical place on the planet governs how you’re being governed is kind of bullshit. It’s like driving unwittingly through a gang-riddled neighbourhood and making a wrong turn by accident and winding up on someone else’s “turf.” Unless someone comes up and informs you that you’re in the wrong place, (which will definitely happen) you’d never know.

1 comment:

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