Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Death of a Robin

The range hood over the stove collapsed off of it’s fittings tonight while my fiancée was in the kitchen. The range hood itself is one of those peculiar appliance few ever think of, but it’s omnipresent in every kitchen. You use it sparingly at best, and usually only in dire circumstances of cooking. It’s always particularly noisy; ours in particular.

The reason it had come loose of it’s screws is hard to fathom, especially after so many years. For all I know, it could have been in place since the 80’s. A brief examination showed the four screws holding it in place had been over-tightened at bad angles. It had slipped off along the tracks, and dropped a few inches. It was spared a complete plummet by the tightness of the cupboards against which it rested and a power cord slipping up and through a hole in the drywall.

After a long search for the necessary power drill to fix it, I took the opportunity to clean some of the grease and grime that had accumulated over decades in the thin space between the range and the bottom of the cupboard above. Somehow, a few pieces of nacho chips had made their way through the razor-thin crack, though I see no earthly way of how this had happened. We had a problem with infestations in the past year, so I sought out any remnant of the insect variety, and looked for various ways in which the insects could gain access to our apartment.

What I found, when shining a flashlight into the dark recesses where the ceiling fixture could not shone, I discovered something quite shocking:

It was the preserved remains of a captive robin.

At first, I had hoped he was still alive, as his presence could have explained the sudden dislodging of the range, but such was not the case. He lay on top of a trap above the fan. His foot had become trapped between the flap of the door, and he could not escape, although he must have tried frantically. It was all to no avail. Eventually, he had to lie down to die. There was no telling how long the bird had remained in that position. I am not skilled enough in these areas to hazard a guess. It could have been weeks, it could have been months. To think of how my family and I must have breathed in the dust of his feathers without knowing he was in our apartment.

Cleaning, at this point, was very necessary, but I found a lack of garbage bags and paper towels.

I went first to the Home Depot to collect some screws and a new filter for the range. I had no idea what size I needed, but after checking a similar model I made a gamble. I could always return them if they didn’t fit. Fortunately, they were absolutely the right models. Apparently these filters are to be washed or replaced once every six months. Our had never. It went immediately in the trash.

I tried to wonder how the bird became so trapped. We live on the second floor of a three storey apartment building. It would have had to have bypassed numerous channels of ducting and who knows what else to have found it’s way into our particular exhaust. Such is not an uncommon thing, however, as I remember birds becoming trapped in our chimneys as a child, and I know some birds are attracted to smoke as a way to delouse their feathers.

It felt sad to have to throw a once living creature in the garbage. To me, it deserved better. As a young boy, I would demand of a neighbour to bury a dead bird I found lying on the side of the road. It, of course, went into the trash. Such is the fate of birds.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Worst Olympics Ever?

Every time I read the paper, it poses the question, is the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics the worst Olympics ever? This is based on an ice paver breaking down, a lack of snow on one of the courses, and long lineups. The death of the Georgian luger before the opening come in a distant fifth in their list. Even if death, he loses the gold. If Vancouver is the worst Olympics on record, which Olympics are they comparing it to? Are they forgetting Munich, when a group of terrorist murdered eleven athletes? Or the Berlin Olympics, hosted by none other than ADOLF HITLER? What about the bombing at the Atlanta Olympics? What about when the Montreal Olympic Stadium collapsed? What about the ancient Grecian Olympics, when female athletes were executed for infiltrating the Games disguised as men? I personally think the Nazi Olympics takes the cake, although seeing the expression on Hitler’s face when Jessie Owens won the gold makes it all worth while. It was like Captain America #1 where Cap punches Hitler in the face, times a million.

Saturday, February 20, 2010


My New Year’s Resolution was to flip more people off, and so far I haven’t been living up to that lofty goal, so here goes:

$50 Bills:

No one accepts $50 bills as legal tender, although it says so right on the bill. I’ve had the same fifty in my wallet for over a month. Every checkout counter I go to has the same sign posted saying they no longer accept $50s. I remember a time when $100 bills were verboten. To me, it made sense. You don’t pull out a $100 bill at a convenience store and not be met with some scepticism, but a $50? Allegedly, it’s due to counterfeits, but counterfeiting is a crime as old as money itself. People in olden days didn’t refuse legal tender when it was offered, but they still checked for fakes. Even a Victorian shoe shine boy would bite down on a gold coin to see if it was real. Are you saying today’s modern Subway sandwich “artist” is less skilled at checking for fakes? On the rare occasion you do find a shop that accepts a $50, the cashier will invariably handle your money like it holds some ancient secret of the universe. No section will go unchecked. It will be held up to the light, it will be held under the light. It will be stretched, it will be bent. It will be used to make origami. If they could taste it, they would.

Why are you stopping at $50s? Any amount of currency can be faked. I could have three fake $20 bills, and one real $50, but you’ll take the $20s? Way to go, genius.

What if a fake $50 bill slips through? What horrible things would happen? My parents once received a fake $20 from a bank. Yes, the bank distributed a fake $20. Which means, even the bank can make the mistake of accepting a counterfeits. The money itself has no real value to it: it’s just the idea of money. Which means, if you give a fake bill to a cashier, and they give that fake bill to the bank, and the bank give it back to you, nothing happens. No one loses money, because money isn’t a real thing. It’s only when someone notices that things go bad. Then the police come in, people are questioned and someone loses out.

Why even have denominations over $20 anymore if businesses are refusing to accept them as currency, which I believe may be illegal? They’ve been talking for years about getting rid of the penny, and how expensive it is. Why not $50 and $100 bills? It’s a sensible suggestion. Of course, it leads to greater numbers of bills being printed, and would likely prove more costly. So I suppose there’s no easy answer.

Assholes and Bitches:

One of general rules in my life is that a person of disreputable character should, by chance, piss me right the fuck off, I’ll likely see that person again, and again, and again. Obviously, this theory first formed in school, where whenever someone shoved me into a locker, called me a fag, etc., I’d be guaranteed to see the person again every period for twenty-four semesters, and perhaps college as well. Once I exited the educational system, I figured I’d be a free agent. No such luck. Co-workers will always be a problem for everyone, but I meet random people every day in various capacities, people too dumb to live, but endure regardless. They pop up two, three times a day. Let me explain that: some random dick-licker has pissed me off. Normally, that’d be okay, because I wouldn’t have to see that person again. A few hours pass, and I see them again. Then again. I don’t know these people. I don’t know their names. I don’t want to, but they’ve broken through the background scenery of my life.

On occasion, I’ve been pestered by customers at work. Numerous times. Every day. For years on end. I leave the job, move, etc., but for whatever reason, I meet that person again in an awkward social situation. “Oh, you’re my girlfriends school friend’s relative? Great party, huh?” Fuck you.


As a child, I looked at the adults around me, and what they’ve been doing with their lives. Twenty years of this, fifty years of that. You know how it goes: people building mountains out of molehills, getting nowhere but getting on.

I’m an adult now, and I’m one of them. I’m at the point where I’m looking at fifty years of sweet fuck all, then old age and death, and it’s pissing me off. Day in, day out, punch in, punch out  kinda shit. Not looking forward to it.

Sunday, February 14, 2010


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I have to admit that the commercial for the slap chop is one of the most convincing sales pitches ever produced by man, but it’s still bogged down by the infernal lies of all infomercials. For instance, it claims, “Call in twenty minutes and we’ll double your order!” The commercial runs 24/7. You’re ALWAYS inside the 20 minute timeframe. Or perhaps there’s a three minute window sometime during the day. The one person who procrastinates for 21 minutes but still ends up calling gets screwed out of a deal. Do they argue with the salesperson?
“Your commercial said as long as I called within 20 minutes, I’d receive a SECOND Slap Chop and Graty for free.”
“I’m sorry sir, but it’s been 20 minutes and fourteen seconds since the commercial aired.”
“…For twenty minutes?”
“I have problems, okay? Not to get into anything too specific, but I don’t have a lot of time in the day. Which is why I need the Slap Chop. Times two. I need double the Slap Chop.”
“I’m afraid we still won’t be able to honour the deal offered by the commercial unless you call before the twenty minute deadline. Maybe if you called back in four minutes you’ll make the next scheduled commercial offer timeline.”
“I CAN’T. I’ll be in the bathroom by then.”
“Sir… Do you need help? Is there a place I can donate money to? Like does your problem have marathons for it or…”
They also say to beware of imitators. Why? What could be so wrong with a Slap Chop knockoff?
“Guess what I got in the mail today, honey? A Smack Cutter!”
“A Smack Cutter? What’s that?”
“It’s like a Slap Chop, only it’s made by Cambodians instead of the Chinese!”
“How does it work?”
“Easy! Let me show you. Hand me that onion over there, sugarbottom! Now watch as I place it under the Smack Cutter, and… prest-OH! MY HAND! THE SMACK CUTTER WENT THROUGH MY HAND!”
“How did that happen?”
“I don’t know! I just don’t know! God help me! My wound… I think it’s infected. There’s something on the Smack Cutter. It smells like almonds! I think I’ve been poisoned!”
“Don’t worry, I’ll call an ambulance!”
“It’s too late… Too… late… Honey…”
“Don’t leave me!”
“Why… why didn’t I order the Slap Chop instead? It was only a cent more… So… cold…”
“I want to go to heaven, Forrest.”
Harrowing stuff, I’m sure.
Seriously, though, this guy does stuff with the Slap Chop that doesn’t seem mechanically possible. Did you see when he takes the Slap Chop apart? It’s like watching Shiva pull a tiger inside out. Why does it even do that? Why would I need to completely invert my Slap Chop to clean it? I’m fairly certain I can get a brush that would fit inside. I don’t need to prolapse in order to wipe my ass. There is such a thing as too convenient, like your mother.
Who the fuck is this guy, anyway? It’s like they grew him somewhere to sell the Slap Chop. No one should be able to convey that much information in that amount of time. I feel like Johnny Memonic just from listening to him.
Why the hell do I have to call in order to buy the Slap Chop anyway? Why can’t I just go to the store and buy it? What makes it so special that I have to wait six to nine weeks to get it in the mail, assuming they don’t just overnight it. Do they screen their buyers over the line? They should. The Slap Chop seems like it could be used for evil if it fell into the wrong hands. Imagine if someone slapped you with the Slap Chop. Really imagine it. I’m not kidding, think about it. I want you to feel the cold steel imprinting itself into your flesh. Your gums bleed as it cuts through your cheek. A lightning bolt pattern is imbedded on your face, like a forgotten sibling of Harry Potter. Darkness seeps in as blood flows out.
That is the terrible power of the Slap Chop. They should make people wait four weeks for background check like the do with guns.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Official Vancouver 2010 Olympic Winter Games Blog*

It’s Sunday here in Abbotsford and two things are happening. One: It’s the Super bowl. Two: The 2010 Winter Olympic Torch Relay is coming through town. Which one do you choose? Considering how I can’t afford an $80,000 ticket for the Men’s Finals in Hockey, I chose the Torch Relay. Everything involving the Olympics has been priced specifically to keep Joe Average from attending, so seeing some random shlub run by carrying an oddly shaped torch is the best you’re ever going to get.

I went with my fiancée and stood out in the rain in the mall parking lot. All times given for the Torch relay are approximate, so I got there just as the torch should have reached the beginning of the main street through town. There were a few tents set up and people giving away free souvenirs and hot chocolate and cookies. A live band was playing covers. They did  a Beastie Boys cover and changed, “porno mag,” to, “girlie mag.” Same dif. We dicked around for a little while and then went to stand on the curb like common prostitutes.

Hawkey the Hawk, mascot for the local hocking team, the Heat, was in attendance, walking up and down the middle of the road, turning tricks for free. Yes, he’s a hockey mascot, and his name is Hawkey.

He was at my store once, promoting his team. I had to lug pallets around, and as I was busy, I happened to look up, and he was hanging off the back of the pallet, staring me down with his giant pantomime hawk head. Stuff like that will mess you up. My first instinct was to deck him in his hawk nose, but that’s like Vanilla Ice telling Ed the Sock about his bout of suicidal depression. He’s just a puppet.

An Olympic van went down the street, forty minutes before the torch arrived, so it’s like the biggest tease ever.

When the torch did arrive, everyone ran out into the middle of the street. Let me explain: It’s a five lane road, with plenty of room for everyone wanting to watch from the sidewalk. That wasn’t good enough for some people. They decided to go out into the middle of the road, block any view for people at the side. So of course, everyone went out. I love riot mentality like that. I love the fact that one asshole can have a bad idea, and everyone will go along with it like lemmings, and there’s shit anyone else can do at that point about it. Cops riding by told people to stay off the street. Not one person listen. Not one.

There was a huge police presence. I think I saw about ten cop cars, at a bare minimum. I have no idea what their role was. Were they expecting a terrorist attack? Worst case scenario: someone throws water on the torch. Does it take ten cop cars to resolve that? Not even in Alabama.

A van carrying Olympic-type people (who the fuck are these people?) went by, escorted by two cop cars. I was confused for a few minutes. Was the Olympic torch inside? Were they holding it out the window on the opposite side of the van? WTF?

Then about five more cop cars went by, and the three Coca-Cola trucks, in case you didn’t know that Coke was sponsoring the Games. You think the 40 million bottles of Coke with the Olympic logo on them were enough of a clue, but no. (Fun Fact: Coke isn’t healthy for you, and you shouldn’t drink it if you’re training for the Olympics. Also: an ice-cold coke is a poor choice of beverage when you’re outside in freezing temperatures, participating in the Winter Olympics.) There was one dude with a sack handing out glowing Coke bottles to kids. I wanted one. I nearly tackled him to get one. I didn’t get one.

There was also an RBC truck with some kinda black-dude D.J. on it and cold dancing people. It added a

When the torch eventually came by (and it took a long-ass time), I had no clue who this person was, or why I would care to see them. For about a year, I’ve been watching commercials offering people a chance to carry the Olympic Torch. Over 12,000 people have carried the torch. How many of them are above the barest minimum of celebrity status? How many of them matter? Probably about ten.

Oh well, I saw it. I can’t unsee it.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Hulk Smash

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Marvel Comics are pissing me off. A lot of it has to do with the “Siege” arch-saga, in which Norman Osborn (The Green Goblin) decides to take his Dark Avengers and the rest of H.A.M.M.E.R. and go up against the Norse Mythology. It’s previously been established that Norman respects Thor, and that H.A.M.M.E.R., his incarnation of S.H.I.E.L.D. is named after Thor’s weapon of choice. At some point, Norman lets Loki call the shots for him, and he uses the opportunity to frame Volstagg, an Asgardian, for the death of a few thousand sports spectators. This incites an immediate war with Asgard, while Volstagg, the man accused of the crime, walks free. There’s a comic, “Siege Embedded” Issue 1 showing Volstagg trying to hitchhike his way back to Asgard, while military vehicles pass him by: completely ignoring him. In a way, it’s the perfect metaphor for Osama Bin Laden. In another way, it’s completely unbelievable.

What really has me pissed of is the order in which these comics are being released. Norman wants to go to war with Asgard because it’s on American soil without his authority. Only, at this point in the Marvel chronology, Asgard has been moved to Latveria with Doctor Doom. It isn’t until the latest issue of “Thor” that it returns to America, long after the Siege story begins.

That’s not the only problem Marvel has with chronology. The one-shot issue of “Captain America: Who Will Wield the Shield?” features a story about Captain America reuniting with his old partner, Bucky, the current Captain America. Only, at this point when it’s release: CAPTAIN AMERICA IS DEAD. The last issue of “Captain American: Reborn” Issue 5, shows a Red Skull possessed Captain America about to take Bucky’s head off. Then, suddenly, he’s back in this one-shot with no explanation. You have to wait until Issue Six (of a five issue series), for Steve to return. The issue itself is a trainwreck, illustrating why Captain America was “cancelled” in the first place. A giant Red Skull robot attacks Captain America on the footsteps of the Lincoln Memorial while a horde of flying M.O.D.O.K. heads swarm the Avengers. The Red Skull’s daughter gets her face burned into an effigy of her father.

The entire Steve Rogers Captain America resurrection was rather ham-fisted. Firstly: there was no need for him to come back. Bucky was doing well as his replacement. I personally preferred him as he had more of a stake in his own story. Secondly: it was too soon. Thirdly: his rebirth went back on a lot of established facts during his death. There was no doubt he was dead. Some of the greatest authorities in the Marvel Universe on such matters confirmed he was dead. No one doubted it. Then began a mess about Steve being “lost in time,” after being shot in the gut with some form of chemical solution. He skipped through his life ala “Slaughterhouse-Five,” while existing in a state of living-death. The comparison between the two works is unmistakeable. This is exposed as being part of the Red Skull’s plan to take over Captain America’s body, which work for about five minutes.

Listen: Captain America was shot in the skull like J.F.K.. When you want to take over someone’s body by inhabiting their brain, your plan shouldn’t include shooting them in the skull.

Returning to the subject of “Siege,” there a few continuity errors as well. Siege #2 has yet to come out, but already in the comics “Wolverine” and “Avengers: Initiative,” we see Norman Osborn and Thor defeated in a rather off-handed manner. Siege is supposed to last until June, and it’s already over.

“Spider-Man: The Gauntlet,” is another example of rampant bullshit. The entire: “One More Day,” saga was established to give Spider-Man a fresh slate: meaning new enemies to face and new plot-lines. Now they’re returning to the same six villains he’s been fighting for nearly fifty years, non-stop.

Fall of the Hulks,” is falling short as well. Of late, the Hulk titles have been stripped of the Hulk himself, and replaced with knock-offs like the Red Hulk and Son-of-the-Hulk. I’m okay with that to a certain extent, but there’s more continuity errors. In one issue of the saga, the Cosmic Hulk robot attacks Dr.Doom at Bruce Banner’s command. Then, in a following issue, it’s revealed that the Cosmic Hulk has never been in Dr.Banner’s command, but rather that of the Leader and M.O.D.O.K.. …WTF? I couldn’t even begin to follow that.

There’s also the matter of “Deadpool: Merc With a Mouth” to contend with. Marvel offered variant covers of Deadpool to any comic retailer who returned DC’s Darkest Night comics back to the publisher. Only: the comic sucked, as did the variant cover.


Would you give up an authentic Orange or Black Lantern replica ring for this? No, you wouldn’t.

X-Men: Necrosha” and the recent “Incredible Hercules” comics are probably the only thing Marvel’s got that’s worth reading, and out of the two, Necrosha is just a rip-off of Darkest Night featuring some of the most forgettable X-Men characters returning to life. Big ups to Hercules, though. He has yet to disappoint.