Thursday, November 6, 2008


Okay, so at this point we know Fable 2 is slow-loading, glitchy, it's missing Limited Edition access codes, but I'm about to drop the most damning knowledge of all on you: it's a blatant rip-off of another game.

I'm not talking about Fable, or some lame RPG, I'm talking about Animal Crossing: Wild World for the DS.

You may find this an odd comparison, but it's not.

In Fable 2: you can do the following: change your outfits and clothing designs, buy furniture and redecorate your house, collect items and trade them in at shops, dig up treasure, give gifts to your friends. pop into your real-life friend's game to see how they're doing in co-op mode, and sacrifice children to a demon on a sacrificial altar. You can do all but one of these thing in Animal Crossing. Besides, Fable 2 is mostly about accumulating wealth to buy more junk in the game. That's Animal Crossing all the way.

Rip-off! Okay, so making in Animal Crossing you can't get STDs from unprotected sex, but you can be stung by bees, and that's pretty damn close.

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