Monday, March 22, 2010

Final Fantasy XIII: Crash That Bird

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Okay, so I’ve just reached Chapter 11 in Final Fantasy, and I can tell you this much about the game’s plot so far: they’ve crashed three to four airships so far. Every time one, or several of the character jump onto a flying vehicle, they proceed to crash that vehicle. Snow crashed his flying bike, Hope crashed his, and Sazh has crashed three consecutive airships. The average flight time is about two minutes before crashing. Once, during the middle of the game, they crashed their airship through the planet itself into a hidden underground city. That’s what I call an Epic Fail: crashing so badly you find a secret world. Yet, no one in the game has yet realized they shouldn’t really be flying. They say that any landing you can walk away from is a good one. Those people should talk to the F.A.A.

The worst is that every time I get on a ship I hope that it’s going to lead to me being able to physically fly that ship with my controller, instead of watching an exceedingly long cutscene. No such luck. I think I’ve reached a more open area of the game, however. The sight of a 500’ tall lava monster eating a 30’ tall turtle monster whole was pretty promising.

Every achievement in the game so far has been progressed based. There’s about 20 or so achievements you can’t unlock except by reaching the latest stages of the game. I unlocked one 80 point Achievement for Loremaster, basically by using the spell Libra on a 100 different enemies. I was surprised to learn that I had fought 100 different monster types so far. A lot of them are just different coloured versions of the same monster, so it’s a lot like Pokemon in that regard. For getting the Loremaster achievement, I also unlocked a Sazh’s profile picture, which I’m down with. Now I can have more people call me a “nigger,” when I play GTA IV online.

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